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Follow their code on GitHub. Keep hearing that song you love but don't know what it's called or who sings it? That's where Shazam can help you out. Just turn on the app, hold it up to the music source and Shazam will scour it's music databases and return the artist and song title. It's that easy. A great way to discover new artists who play that song you like. 歌曲识别软件(Shazam) for android V4.4.0 安卓版,歌曲识别Shazam是一款专业的音频(音乐)识别软件,歌曲识别Shazam的识别率相当高,如果在宿舍里,对角的同学笔记本中等音量放粤语歌,另外两个舍友在打电话,shazam照样能准确无误地识别出来 Télécharge gratuitement Shazam 11.17.0-210305 pour Android sans aucun virus, sur Uptodown.
类别. 音频. 语言. 《Shazam》能在数秒内识别出任意歌曲。探索、艺人、歌词、视频与歌单,完全免费。截至目前,累积安装已超过10 亿次。 “《Shazam》是一款魔法般的App。” Shazam - 发现音乐介绍.
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Shazam APK / APP Download 10.26.0,免費線上聽MP3 音樂 ...
The only thing you need to do is hold your Android phone close to the source of the sound and wait about five seconds for it to process the song. Shazam for Apple Watch & Android Wear Now you can always Shazam on time. Tap to see what song is playing and watch the lyrics unfold, right on your wrist. Download Shazam for iPhone or Android and connect your watch. Discover new songs, music, and artists while you’re on the move. This specialized app does a single job very well. Shazam is a simple, easy-to-use app that allows you to identify music when you hear it playing around you.
The only thing you need to do is hold your Android phone close to the Shazam (Android、iOS) 下载页面: 本站内容均为网上收集整理,并以研究计算机技术为目的,仅供参考学习,你必须购买相应正版授权在合理范围内合法使用。 Shazam is an excellent application that helps us find out the title of every song at the moment you're hearing it. The only thing you need to do is hold your Android phone close to the source of the sound and wait about five seconds for it to process the song. Shazam for Apple Watch & Android Wear Now you can always Shazam on time. Tap to see what song is playing and watch the lyrics unfold, right on your wrist. Download Shazam for iPhone or Android and connect your watch. Discover new songs, music, and artists while you’re on the move. This specialized app does a single job very well.
Download Shazam and identify any song to qualify for offer. New and returning users + terms and conditions apply. 22/10/2018 Enjoy millions of the latest Android apps, games, music, movies, TV, books, magazines & more. Anytime, anywhere, across your devices.
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“Shazam is an app that feels like magic” - Keep hearing that song you love but don't know what it's called or who sings it? That's where Shazam can help you out. Just turn on the app, hold it up to the music source and Shazam will scour it's music databases and return the artist and song title. It's that easy. A great way to discover new artists who play that song you like. Shazam est connu par le grand public comme étant un détecteur intelligent d'informations concernant une chanson en cours de lecture. Dès que l'utilisateur joue un morceau, l'application devine Télécharge gratuitement Shazam 11.17.0-210305 pour Android sans aucun virus, sur Uptodown.
Just turn on the app, hold it up to the music source and Shazam will scour it's music databases and return the artist and song title. It's that easy. A great way to discover new artists who play that song you like. Shazam est connu par le grand public comme étant un détecteur intelligent d'informations concernant une chanson en cours de lecture. Dès que l'utilisateur joue un morceau, l'application devine Télécharge gratuitement Shazam 11.17.0-210305 pour Android sans aucun virus, sur Uptodown.
Shazam是一款非常出色的应用程序,它能够帮助我们弄清楚正在播放的歌曲叫什么名称。 你需要做的仅仅是在一个相对安静的环境下,把安装手机贴近声音来源,然后等待几秒钟秒,让程序对歌曲进行处理。 08/03/2021 Shazam (Android、iOS) 下载页面: 本站内容均为网上收集整理,并以研究计算机技术为目的,仅供参考学习,你必须购买相应正版授权在合理范围内合法使用。 Shazam is an excellent application that helps us find out the title of every song at the moment you're hearing it. The only thing you need to do is hold your Android phone close to the source of the sound and wait about five seconds for it to process the song. Discover new songs, music, and artists while you’re on the move. This specialized app does a single job very well. Shazam is a simple, easy-to-use app that allows you … 09/03/2021 Shazam è un'ottima applicazione che ti aiuta a scoprire il titolo di ogni canzone nel momento in cui la ascolti. L'unica cosa che devi fare è tenere il tuo telefono Android vicino alla fonte del suono e attendere circa cinque secondi per permettere all'applicazione di elaborare la canzone. Shazam is a powerful app which allows you to recognize what song you are hearing by allowing the app to listen for only a few seconds.
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